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Add An Image To An Email

Adding images to your marketing can be fun and increase their effectiveness with your readers!

Upload the image to your media library:

  1. Navigate to the Website Tab 
  2. Select Media from the menu on the left

  3. On the top of the page, select the gray Add New button

  4. Click and drag your file to upload it from your desktop or press Select to manually upload a computer file (Images must be less than 3 MB)
  5. Click on the thumbnail of the image once it is done loading
  6. A pop-up screen will appear with the image details.  You will find a URL field on the right-hand side of the pop-up.  Hover your mouse over it, your mouse will turn into a red circle with a line through it. Triple click on this field until the URL is highlighted
  7. Copy the URL and save it to a text document

Add image to your email:

  1. Navigate to the Marketing Tab

  2. Start a new campaign by clicking the green Create New Campaign button
  3. Select Custom Message from the drop-down menu
  4. On the new campaign, click on the Insert Image icon: cleditor_31
  5. A box will appear where you can paste a URL. Paste the URL of the image.  Click Submit. The picture will appear on the body of the email below

Helpful links:

Create a Custom Email Campaign

Email Formatting and Captivating Subject Lines

Last Update: May 11, 2018  

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