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Group and Delete Contacts

How to Group Contacts

  1. Navigate on the Leads Tab
  2. Click the Groups button
  3. Type in the name of the group
    1. Press the green Add + button and then click Save
  4. Click the 50 on views per page and select 500 from the drop-down menu
  5. Click the box in the first column to select the contacts. (The contact will highlight turquoise when it is selected)
  6. Scroll back to the top of the page and click the Update Selected button

  7. Select Assign Groups from the drop-down menu
  8. Check the box next to the group and click Save

How to Delete a Contact

  1. Click the 50 on views per page and select 500 from the drop-down menu
  2. Click the box in the first column to select the contact. (The contact will highlight turquoise when it is selected)
  3. Scroll to the top of the page and click the Update Selected

  4. Select Delete from the drop-down menu.

Last Update: July 11, 2018  

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